Bands We Like: Ghostland Observatory

Too often I fall victim to the classic “judging a book by its cover” and miss out on a great band simply because of their name (Foster the People, anyone?). A few years ago, I recall seeing “Ghostland Observatory” emblazoned seemingly everywhere I looked: magazines, music news, festival lineups. What the heck does it even mean? To this day, I have no freakin’ clue, but I’ve been making up for lost time by catching their concerts – a digital light show extravaganza – at every opportunity and preaching their greatness to anyone within earshot.

Surprisingly, Ghostland is just a duo of best buds from a place where it’s cool to be weird: Austin, Texas. Thomas Ross Turner mans the drums/keys/synthesizers, providing most of the signature Ghostland digital bleeps and blurps that the band is famous for. He frequently, or pretty much always, dons a cape, which I can’t help but think Charlie Day (from “It’s Always Sunny”) would love to wear as his Nightman character.

Frontman Aaron Behrens is an instantaneous party-starter. He’s usually rockin’ some Native American-inspired braids and dark shades (likely to help keep the lasers from blinding him) and he’s known to strap on a guitar for a few songs at each show. One thing you’ll quickly notice about Behrens when performing is the man does not stop moving ever – his energy and dance moves would give the late James Brown a run for his money. Their concerts contain the same atmosphere of pure and utter joy that you’d find at a typical Flaming Lips gig – a cozy place to be indeed.

The group was first conceived in 2003 and they’ve been notorious road warriors ever since. They eventually dropped their debut two years after their inception on a label created by Turner, Trashy Moped Recordings. For a band just starting out, it’s impressive that Ghostland found their sound right away asdelete is ten tacks of pure pop-synth awesomeness – there is no filler to be found. “Silver City” sounds like it was concocted among the stars in space with Behren singing some all-too-appropriate lyrics -- “I think that I have found myself out on the floor / And I think that we have lost ourselves forever more” – because yeah, their tunes will inspire you to spend eternity on the dance floor.


Sad Sad City 3D from andrew giugno on Vimeo.

Wasting no time, Ghostland released their sophomore album, Paparazzi Lightning, just a year later in 2006. The album contains several strong tracks: “Move With Your Lover” will make you want to do just that; “Vibrate” has one catchiest song openings ever (“I said vibrate!”); while “Sad Sad City” is a pure Ghostland dance frenzy. Their third effort, Robotique Majestique once again dropped ten hard-hitting dance pop tracks. The low-end crunchy bass found on “Freeheart Lover” will crawl all over your skin in the best way imaginable, while “Club Soda” is the go-to track for cruisin’ the highway at midnight.

Last year’s Codename: Rondo brought forth one of the catchiest songs of their career: “Freeze.” The track opens with a piping synth beat that sounds like something out of an old NES game. The song’s title becomes apparent when Behrens mimics a police officer, saying in a faux police voice, “Freeze, it’s the police / Put your hands where I can see ‘em / Get down,” which is when the beat truly drops.

Without the push of a major label and little-to-no advertising, Ghostland has managed to appear on late night television and perform at damn near every festival that exists in the states. Like ‘em or not, their music will light a fire under your feet and force you to groove. Just look at the pic I took – you can’t even see the band, but you can most certainly see thousands of people having the time of their life with a glow stick of solidarity being held high among a sea of lasers. Do yourselves a favor: listen, see, and fall in love.

'Breaking Dawn,' 'Hunger Games' Top Movie Brawl Sweet 16

Anything can happen as front-runners and dark horses duke it out for the top spot in our tourney.

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart in "Twilight: Breaking Dawn - Part 1" 

What a ride it's been so far in the MTV Movie Brawl 2012! After more than a quarter million votes, fans have whittled down the competition from an opening round of 32 films to a 16-flick bracket topped by #1 seeds "Hunger Games" and "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2."

Now that the pretenders and also-rans have been axed — See ya later "Expendables 2"! Thanks for playing "Rock of Ages"! — it's time for the big guns to face off. Let's get right to it.

Upper West Region
Otherwise known as the Robert Pattinson Honorary Region, this section of the bracket features three RPattz films. While we love seeing the 3-D re-release of "Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace" sneaking into the Sweet 16 after a wild-card win in round one, George Lucas' baby doesn't have much of a shot to knock "Breaking Dawn" from its perch atop the bracket. Twi-fans came out in force over the weekend to conquer "Hunger Games" and assure itself the highest vote total of round one. So Pattinson and his vampire pals have got to be feeling good as voting moves forward. Things are much more up in the air in the region's other matchup: "Cosmopolis" vs. "Bel Ami." Will Pattinson fans favor his cerebral, David Cronenberg-directed drama or his Uma Thurman-co-starring love story, which holds out the prospect of, as RPattz himself told us, "a lot of my crack in it." This matchup is just too close to call at this point.

Lower West Region
This region is all about the superheroes, though neither "Dark Knight Rises," "The Amazing Spider-Man" nor "Marvel's The Avengers" performed heroically in the first round. The MTV Movies team had been eyeing "TDKR" as one of the films to beat headed into the tournament, but fans didn't turn out to support Christopher Nolan's final Batman film in the numbers we expected. "Avengers" managed to nab a six seed, but Captain America and his crew had better bring their A-games if they want to give "TDKR" a run for its money. By contrast, "Spider-Man," which barely survived round one, is going to have to deliver nothing short of an inspired performance if it expects to knock off "Dark Shadows." Tim Burton's adaptation of the supernatural soap opera announced itself as a potential dark horse after an impressive and unexpected first-round showing. An Elite Eight showdown between "Dark Shadows" and "Dark Knight" would make for a kick-ass brawl.


Upper East Region
"Hunger Games" enters the Sweet 16 with a bit of wind taken out of its sails, following its failure to garner the most round-one votes after leading for most of the week. Its new matchup is a pivotal one, and a blowout of "Prometheus" would go a long way toward assuring fans that "Hunger Games" has its eye locked squarely on a final matchup with "Breaking Dawn." But before we get there, "Hunger Games" will have to contend with two action flicks, in "John Carter" and "G.I. Joe: Retaliation," that have been surging in recent days. "G.I. Joe" didn't even look like it was going to make the Sweet 16 until a last-minute rise. That sequel could potentially play the spoiler in this four-seed vs. five-seed matchup.

Lower East Region 
Anything can happen in this region. Based on its pedigree, you might expect "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey" to run roughshod over anything at this point in the tournament. But Peter Jackson's flick faces off against Emma Watson's "Perks of Being a Wallflower," a wild-card entrant that can easily spoil the hopes of everyone in Middle-earth. This matchup to just too close to call. And don't count out another upset in the game between "Snow White and the Huntsman" and "The Woman in Black." Though "SWATH" has a lot of heat behind it, based on a top-notch trailer and the leadership of Kristen Stewart, you underestimate Daniel Radcliffe's fans at your own peril. But which star has the most feverish following? The answer to that question will likely reveal which film moves on to the Elite Eight in the MTV Movie Brawl 2012.

What are you waiting for? Your must-see movie needs your support. It's time to show character, poise and heart. Vote for your picks now at MTV Movie Brawl 2012!